Android studio mac os
Android studio mac os

It sounds like some access rights problem. Although whole project directory structure is properly created. Build gradle fails, when I create or open it from external USB drive (it worked for me for months though!). Projects are successfully created and gradle build is successful, when created or copied to a local drive (and then opened from there). Sometimes it says some other lock file is a problem. Lock file: /Volumes/KINGSTON/Andriod/My Projects/Test4/.gradle/7.5/fileHashes/fileHashes.lock

android studio mac os

It is currently in use by this Gradle process.Owner Operation: unknown > Timeout waiting to lock file hash cache (/Volumes/KINGSTON/Andriod/My Projects/Test4/.gradle/7.5/fileHashes). > Could not create service of type FileHasher using BuildSessionServices.createFileHasher(). It ends with error like: Gradle could not start your build. Very recently I have upgraded Gradle for one of the Android projects (I think to 7.3.1 version) and did something else (according to the proposal from Android Studio) - I do not remember how it was called specifically but it was to move package name from Gradle I guess.Īfter that was done, the project always fail to build the gradle.

android studio mac os

I work on MacOS Ventura 13.2.1 with M1 processor.

Android studio mac os